The Nuttier Sequel – Liza O’Conner

July 21st, 2013

Welcome to another saucy episode of SUNDAE WITH NUTS where I have asked my fellow authors to join me for the day for a bit of fun and a laugh. We are romance writers after all!

Today is a bit different in that I have the lovely and talented Liza O’Conner with me again – thus THE NUTTIER SEQUEL. Liza has invited her hero and heroine from Worst Week Ever to answer the Nutty questions. So sit back and enjoy another side of NUTS. I love what Liza has done with this! I am sure you will too.

Sundae with the Nuts Trent & Carrie

Liza: Since I recently was on CD’s Nutty Blog–
CD: It’s called Sundae with Nuts
Liza: That’s what I said. Anyway, I’ve spoken to the research scientists and they fear exposure to more of my wacky responses this soon after could cause permanent brain damage…to you and your followers.
CD: That’s not good. 
Liza: So I’ve decided my main characters from Worst Week Ever will come and answer your questions instead of me.
CD: I don’t know..
Liza: You said I could deviate a bit, well consider this a life-saving deviation.
CD: I did say that. Note to self: No deviations allowed for Liza in the future.

Sundae with Nuts: Carrie Hanson and her billionaire boss Trent Lancaster

1. Favorite knickers: cotton, lace, silk or errr..leather?
Carrie: Cotton.
Trent: Really? I would mostly willingly buy you nicer lingerie. Maybe this hot little red Victorian Secret number boasting 300 rubies.
It’s valued at $25 million. However, you probably shouldn’t wear it to work.
Carrie: Because sitting on fifty rubies would hurt?
Trent: I was worried about you being carried off in a jewelry heist, but you’re right, sitting on rubies sounds painful. 
Carrie: You cannot buy me lingerie. That isn’t appropriate for a boss to buy his Executive Assistant. Will you just answer the question  for yourself so we can move on.
Trent: I wear silk boxers, hand crafted by the finest tailor in Italy. They come with a 12 carat gold button.
2. Who is your fantasy male or female?
Trent: I’ll answer that. My fantasy female is a beautiful, petite young woman who is incredibly smart and resourceful. She is the sun that revolves around me, keeping my world sunny and pleasant.
Carrie: My fantasy is of boss who never yells and always encourages team work and high morale amongst his workers. 
Trent: I’m not your fantasy?
Carrie: It’s the future you. You are improving all the time.
3. What language, when heard spoken, makes you frisky?
Trent: Pretty much any language if it translates on my electronic translator as ‘My place or yours.’
Carrie: Spanish. Everything sounds like a love song in Spanish.
Trent: I’ll buy you a translator so you can know for certain.
4.Do you believe in love at first sight?
Carrie: No.
Trent: Yes, I fell in love with Carrie the first day I interviewed her.
Carrie: You did not. In fact, you threatened to fire me on a daily basis the first six months I worked for you.
Trent: I threaten to fire everyone on a daily basis. But with you I stopped.
Carrie: Until this horrible week from hell. You’ve fired me twice now in two days.
Trent: I did not. You simply misunderstood me.
5. No fighting guys. Last question, Favorite Ice Cream?
Trent: I got this one. Serendipity 3 has a Frozen Haute Chocolate sundae that has a blend of 28 cocoas, including 14 of the most expensive and exotic cocoas from around the world. It is also infused with 5 grams of edible 23 karat gold and served in a goblet lined with even more edible gold. At the base lies an 18-karat gold bracelet with 1 carat of white diamonds. The sundae is topped with whipped cream covered with more gold and a side of La Madeline au Truffle from Knipschidt Chocolatier (which sells for $2600 a pound). It is served with a gold spoon decorated with white and chocolate-colored diamonds.
Carrie:  That’s insane! An ice cream sundae should not cost more than a car!
Trent: Now who’s being silly. My car cost over a million. This sundae is a mere pittance in comparison to my car.

Notes from Liza:
* The $15M Ruby Lingerie really exists. Check it out here
* Sundae really exists! Check it out here

Liza, I so enjoyed this! A great idea to have your characters answer the Nutty questions. I may open this up to other authors as well. What do you think? Very creative, our Miss Liza, so you can imagine her stories are just as clever and enjoyable! 
Now that Trent and Carrie are officially NUTS, they are practically friends! Do have a read of Liza’s latest release WORST WEEK EVER, and see what Trent and Carrie are up to. Available now on AMAZON
For more information about Liza O’Conner Liza’s Blog and Website   Facebook   Twitter

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